tisdag 14 augusti 2012

Represent WAGGGS at COP18 in Doha!

At COP 18 countries will come together once again in Doha, Qatar to try to reach agreement and sign a global deal to reduce human impact on the climate system and adapt to the inevitable impacts of a changing climate. WAGGGS knows that climate change affects us all, is happening now and that we need to act now.

We have been attending these conferences since COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009 to speak out for the rights of Girls and Young Women and directly engage with decision-makers at a global level. COP is also an opportunity for WAGGGS members to promote their Member Organizations and personal climate change projects.

COP 18 Deadline = 20th August 2012. Fyll i blanketten och skicka den till international.secretary@scout.se, som sedan skickar den vidare. Du hittar anmälningsblanketten här.

Mer information om konferensen och de dokument som behandlas hittar du på FN:s hemsida och på den officiella COP18-sidan

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